
[Code Smells & Refactoring]

Code smells prevent you and your team from keeping a sustainable development pace. They’re not bugs. They don’t cause the program to behave in a wrong way. But they are a risk towards the future. They might result in slowing you and your team down, or might be the source of technical debt and future bugs.

Although code smells are slightly subjective and dependent on language and programming paradigm, there are a few typical code smells that can be easily recognized, and more importantly, easily fixed.

More information


In this course, students will learn why code smells are bad, how to recognize them, and how to solve them. It’s a hands-on course, where most part students will be deep-diving into C# code, trying to find and solve common OO code smells.

Practical information

Duration: 1 day
Maximum participants: 12
Location: In-company (EU)

For who

This course is for all programmers who write software on a regular basis, mostly in OO languages like C#, C++ or Java.

Required knowledge

Basic knowledge of C# is a pre as the exercises are in C#. If students are unfamiliar with C#, they can prepare with some basic exercises on an online learning platform like

Basic knowledge of object oriented programming is required too.

More training programs

C++ Professional

A four-day course that teaches the most important aspects of C++.

Modern C++

A three-day course intended for experienced C++ programmers that want to write modern C++ using C++11, 14, 17, 20, and 23.

Kotlin Fundamentals

A one-day course that teaches the very basics of Kotlin.

Test-Driven Development

A one-day course that teaches the benefits of test-driven development.

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